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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - control v.


Связанные словари

Control v.

control v.
1) command, dominate, direct, steer, pilot, hold sway over, rule, exercise power or authority over, govern, manage, lead, conduct, be in control (of) , call the tune, guide, oversee, supervise: Does she really control the future of the company? 2 check, hold back or in check, curb, repress, contain: Try to control yourself. 3) suppress, put down, master, subdue, restrain, curb, manage: They were totally unable to control the unruly teenagers. --n. 4) command, direction, power, authority, leadership, management, guidance, supervision, oversight, charge; sway, rule, jurisdiction: Turn control of the mission over to Mrs Beale. The court is under the control of the State. 5) restraint, check, curb, mastery, command, dominance, domination: You must get better control over your emotions. 6) knob, button, dial, handle, lever, switch; device, mechanism: This control opens the door to the safe.
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